Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Where I've Been

When I made my last entry in Mid-November I knew it would be a couple weeks before I was back to blogging, but wow, never did I imagine it would be almost two months before I got back with the program!  I have missed it, just like I have missed alot of things these days (like sipping a cup of coffee in silence, a shower where I can shave my legs if I want to, oh and SLEEP!). 
 It's been a fun and magical time these past few weeks
that I wouldn't trade in for anything else!! 

As I sit here today, grasping to find the right words (or any words for that matter- Read: sleep deprivation has taken over) to describe my days, the first word that comes to mind is pride
Pride in my daughters who have been troopers through our transition into a family of 5.  They have both welcomed Baby Drew with open arms, with an overflow of love, and with patience in understanding that things are going to be a little different in their little lives from here on out...and they are ok with it. 

  Our littlest M shocked us with her immediate acceptance and gentleness towards her little brother.  She also holds a very special honor in our family, as the "Nicknamer of Drew".  The first day Drew and I were home from the hospital, Macie looked at her little bro and said "Drewie!!".  And there it was, our first nickname for our little man. 
 Our Big M has, as expected, welcomed this new experience as her chance to be our little helper.  I would not know if my sanity level would be where it's at if it hasn't been for her genuine kindness, thoughtfulness, and sweet nature she has instilled in her daily routine when it comes to her brother and her interactions with her little sister. 
Thank you sweet angel girlies.  Mommy loves you all the seconds of the day, night, and everywhere in between. 

Another word: BlissBliss is what envelopes my heart everytime I lay my eyes on my sweet baby boy.  I am truly enamoured by this little being.  From the very first moment I looked into my sweet boy's "new-to-the-world" eyes and kissed his brand new skin, I melted. 

Friends have said there's something about having a little boy that does something to their hearts...now I know what they were talking about.  He may be only 7 weeks old, but my little angel boy has me wrapped tightly around his finger.  I am so in love

 In love with his eager eyes,

 his little dimple when he cracks a smile,

his tiny fingers that squeeze my hand or shirt when I'm holding him,

his soft kissable skin,  

the way he instantly calms when I rub his little head,

his squeaks, grunts, and groans (his is a noisy boy!),

the way he "purrs" when he's contently in my arms, and these just name a few. 
 I prayed throughout my pregnancy that our son would fit like a glove into our family, and with a teasing plea that he'd be an "easy" baby.  Well God heard and answered my prayer- Drew has brought such life, love, and happiness into our family.  And God even answered the "easy" plea- our little man could not be more chill.  He is so laid back and only fusses when he's hungry or when you put a hat on him (he h-a-t-e-s them).  I could not have dreamed up a more perfect, angelic, more snuggly little boy to call mine. 
 One look at him and the craziness of what's going on in that moment is all instantly blocked out, the world almost goes quiet, and the feeling of pure bliss, pure love settles in. 
 Mommy loves you Andrew Charles
more than I could ever even begin to transcribe into words!! 

Other words that come to mind when thinking of the past few weeks:

exhaustion, excitment,
overwhelmed, calming,
 freedom, anxiousness, 
unorganized (ugh, hate this one!), unscheduled (ugh! again),
 (even if it's just when I return a phone call or sweep the dining room floor),
 merry (loved every single second of Christmas this year),
 frustrated, peaceful, unsure,
and the biggest word... Grace
 (Thank you Lord for all my gifts, both big and small.  You have blessed me in more ways than I will ever feel worthy. 
 Thank you for knowing what I needed even when I may not have.).  

Now it's time to "get on with it".  Mia's going back to school tomorrow, Drew is 7 weeks old, and I have to fit into a bridesmaid dress in less than 5 months (My sissie is getting MARRIED in May!!! XO!  Yahoo!!).  Hence the blog entry; it is time to resume "the regularly scheduled programming".  It has been, and will continue to be a big transition, having another little one in our family, but I am confident (most of the time :) ) I will figure it out.  I will figure out how to balance each child's needs, pay some focus to B, our schedules, keeping the house clean as our house goes up for sale (more on this later), the laundry (it's a growing deamon, I swear!), exercise, the other never-ending list of "have tos" that go with each day, and somewhere in this mix find time to maybe get my toes done (ahhhh, no other sound than quiet conversation in a language I can't understand- this may be bliss too!).  

Our blog may have been renamed "And Then There Were Three"...but maybe it would have been more appropriate to have titled it "Our Crazy Life" because most days this is how I feel, cra-zy.  And you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way!