Monday, November 08, 2010

Menu Plan Monday- 11/8

Happy Monday! 
First of all, let me apologize for my weak updating skills these past couple weeks.  I actually have pictures and events to post but finding the time (or the words! LOL!) have been a bit of a challenge these days.  It would be a successful week if I could get at least one more posting up this week- so stay tuned"ish"...but don't hold your breath. :) 

Secondly, I am elated to state that this will be my last MPM for a couple weeks!  This is the last full week of being pregnant- YAHOO!- which means that after this week we will be living off of cereal and toast three meals a day.  Albeit, I was able to freeze multiple meals over the past few weeks, so these will be thrown into our "weekly menu" to fill our tummies with a little more substance. :)

Here it is -  Don't get too excited- it is a sad excuse for a menu:

Monday- Grilled Steak with Wild Rice

**Also in the plans for today- Bake two loaves of Pumpkin Bread (one for the week, one to freeze) and a loaf of Banana Bread (to freeze)

Tuesday- Ground Turkey and Noodle Bake with side salad

***Going to freeze Cowboy Oatmeal Cookies today as well.

Wednesday- Sloppy Joes with Grilled Baked Beans and Veggies

Thursday- Pasta Fagoili with Garlic Bread

Friday- Meatloaf with Asparagus

Saturday- Dinner at Friends' Housewarming Party :)

Sunday- Take Out or Hubby whips something up that I don't have to think about

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