Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Flag Fun

In honor of our upcoming holiday, today Mia learned a little bit about why we celebrate the 4th of July. 

She learned that she lives in the U.S.A. We talked about our country's birthday- what we do on this holiday and why it's so important to celebrate this special birthday.

Here she is reading the letters of her country to me:
Then we talked about the American Flag.  I pulled our flag out and hung it on our dry erase board for display.  We talked about the colors and shapes on the flag- and what they represent (in 3 year old language of course).  She can now tell you that the stars mean Georgia, Florida, Michigan, and Chicago (I know, not a state, but these are the places she's familiar with...who ever names Illinois by state anyway?!). 

Here she is pointing to the Georgia star:
Now it was time to make a flag of her own.  We got out the glue, pom poms (which she called meatballs!), cotton balls, and glitter.  As we created our own American Flag, we said out loud the patterns we were creating: red, white, red, white, and blue, blue, white, blue, blue, white. 

Here's our little patriot making her flag:
The final step, to write the letters U.S.A. with glitter...adding a little sparkle to anything is perfection in Mia's book. 

Here is the finished product:

Mia enjoyed learning all about the U.S.A. and the American Flag!

Little Patient

You know how it is when you get home from a vacation right?  There are a million things to do- unpack, do laundry, replenish your bare cupboards so the kids have more than canned fruit to eat, look at a calendar- something that has been a foreign object to you for the previous week or so- in order to see what your life has planned in the upcoming days, clean out the "well used" car of crumbs from way too many bribes to keep your kids quiet for 5 minute stretches and toys that have fallen into every crevice, not to mention the trash accumulation, even when you seemingly cleaned up the trash at each stop...the list goes on and on. 

Well this is what we were in the throws of last Wednesday morning, with a two hour pit stop at the pool planned, of course (if you know about the summer and the girls and I it equals pool time each day).  It was a pleasant morning.  Mia woke up happy and Macie decided to sleep until 8:30 a.m.  At about 8:15 Mia and I began gathering materials to wrap her friend Johnny's birthday gift.  We had just begun measuring out the wrapping paper length when we heard Little Sis sending us her "wake up call".  The two of us headed upstairs to sing good morning to our little girlie, to then head back downstairs to feed Macie breakfast and Mia to finish her gift wrapping project.  Little did I know what would transpire in the moments that followed this simple, everyday plan....

Macie's all set up in her chair, an assortment of fruit and toast cut up small enough for a 6 month old to eat (I am self-admittedly overly protective of my children's ingestion of whole foods; it's a little OCD, but rather safe than sorry right? :) ) and Mia and I are back at the table wrapping away.  The phone rings so I answer it- it's a friend who I have been anxious to hear from.  All in one room, the three of us continue on with our activities.  Mia, as any egocentric 3 year would do, persistently begged to continue with the gift wrapping, as I attempted to hear what very important information my friend was sharing with me.  I made the decision to hold up the "one-second finger" and turn my back to my two children so I could concentrate on hearing my friend more clearly.  Big mistake, big, BIG mistake.  Within a minute and a half of this critical shift in my focus, I hear a scream coming from Macie.  Now mind you, I am in sight of the kids, not more than twenty feet from them, so all I have to do is turn around to see what's wrong.  Macie D has been known to throw a tantrum or two :), so the shriek of her voice is common around here, but this scream was not of typical decibal level, it far exceeded it.  I did a quick once-over of the top half of her, coming up with no physical evidence of pain.  It was when I looked below the tray of her high chair that the shriek became immediately clear.  I will spare you the gorry details, but envision something that resembles a scene from ER; it was not pretty.

I grabbed Macie out of her chair as quickly as humanly possible and brought her over to the sink.  My mind racing a mile a minute- "What happened?  Why is she bleeding so much? Where is the blood coming from?  Why is Mia crouching in the corner near the trash can holding her head in her hands?"  I glance around the scene and notice Mia's kid scissors (the scissors I bought her a year and a half ago that we have had trouble cutting paper, project after project over the past 18 months) lying on the girls' table in the kitchen.  I quickly deduce that Mia has CUT her sister with the scissors!  "Are you kidding me?!" is the first thing that went through my mind, followed by, "Where did she cut her?".  After about, what seemed like an eternity, but was probably 5 minutes, I found the cut on the bottom of Macie's left, big toe.  I braved up the nerve to investigate it as my 16 month old screamed in pain.  I see that these seemingly "safe" scissors have done significant damage.  

What to do now..."Does it need stitches?  How am I going to get to the hospital with her foot bleeding like this?  Mia is still in her PJs and I am in my bathing suit (remember, we were going to the pool, I don't wear it for fun).  Where should I take her?  Should I call the pediatrician before going to the ER?  WHY did Mia do this?"  While letting these thoughts invade my mind, I continue my attempt at stopping the blood flow.  Eventually, it slows down and then comes to a stop (if no pressure is applied to the incision).  I direct Mia to get me my phone so I can call the pediatrician- I have made the decision that I do not want to drive all the way to Children's Hospital and sit in the ER if stitches are not mandatory- even though I know they are.  Doc says to bring her in.  I wrap Macie's wounded foot in a roll of paper towel and tape it up with the tape from our wrapping activity, race upstairs to get clothes for Mia and Macie's Monks (a crucial necessity for what will soon take place), get back to the kitchen, grab juice boxes and fruit bars from the fridge, stuff them in my bag, and exit to the garage.  I have 10 minutes to get the kids into their seats, drive to the MD, park, and get up to the 5th floor...I will for sure be late, I assure myself.  

Once we were in the pediatrician's office, they take one look at it and say, "Oh yeah, this needs stitches (insert sad puppy dog eyes from the MD- really I don't need your sympathy, just a plan to get us down GA-400 without Macie pulling at her heavily banaged foot).  

Elapse time...we're in a room at Children's Scotish Rite.  Four hours pass and we are STILL sitting there.  Finally, after a very patient mother determines her little patient needs more attention, calls the nurse to plead my case.  It worked- we get a nurse and doctor into our room to perform the "deed".  After four and a half hours in the lime green and royal blue room (that we are all too familiar with, seeing as though this was our third time in the past 4 months we've spent hours sitting in these rooms), I signed the papers and we were discharged.  

Macie, after 12 hours of not wanting to stand on her little foot, is running around like she doesn't have a bandaged foot.  Big sister, well she went through her own trauma.  She feels so sorry for what she did to her baby sister.   A week later, she still gets up everyday telling us how sorry she is for cutting Macie's toe.  She did not, by any stretch of the imagination mean to hurt her sister- 3 year old curiosity got the best of her.  Lesson learned from this mom- NEVER turn your back on your kids, even for a SECOND!  

Macie Davis, a couple days later donning her "sock", as Mia calls it: 

Monday, June 28, 2010

Reviving the Robertson Blog

Now don't all of you fall down with shock, but I have decided it is time to pull our family blog out of the archives.  I figured now that I am a stay-at-home mom I should perform my "stay-at-home mom duties" to the best of my ability...or at least attempt it.

I am sure you can predict that much has gone on with our Two Little M's since last September!  Since I last posted, Macie has gone from an infant of 7 months to a 16 month old toddler that gives new meaning to the word "active". :)  Big sister Mia was just 2 years old, but now is a vibrant, full of life 3 year old.  And if our lives were not exciting enough with two children under the age of 3, God has blessed us with another little bundle that will be arriving around Thanksgiving Day!  We are thrilled beyond belief, with moments of "holy moly, are we really cut out for three kids" and "we must have been crazy to do this"!  As we know, God would not put in our hands anything we cannot handle, so we brush those thoughts off with a rush of excitment, joy, and dreams of our family of 5!

Life has been busy here at Casa de Robertson in the last 9 months.  I will attempt to get you caught up by simply sharing some of the highlights (and the "gift" for reading through this quite lengthy are at the end! :) ):

- To finish the month off on a not-so-positive note; we were broken into one morning after I left with the girls for work (B was out of town on business).  I made this heart-stopping discovery when we returned from work later that day.   The burglars took many of our personal belongings (TVs, DVD players, computer monitors, jewelry)...but the biggest thing they took (from me anyway)- peace of mind and my comfortability to be in my own home.  I think and act very differently since this break in, when it comes to keeping my family safe (especially when B is out of town). 

- B's sister, Alana, came to stay with us for a couple months as she was working on her degree in Physical Therapy.  She worked at an outpatient clinic right down the road from our house.  It was a blast having her live here!
- B and I made the life-changing decision to join our first small group through the church we have been attending for the past 3 years; Northpoint Community Church.  It has been such a blessing on so many levels.  Our relationship with Jesus has been taken to a new level since making this inspirational decision, as we work on building our relationship with Him. 
- Our Two Little Ms dressed up as two little M and Ms (Mia was pink and Macie green) for Halloween (thank you Grammie Lou for your hard work in making the costumes).
- Nana came to visit us.  We went to the pumpkin patch and created fun Halloween art projects.

- Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Kate came to celebrate Thanksgiving with us!  We hosted a laid back, turkey frying kind of holiday celebration with our family and wonderful friends!
- We kicked off the holiday season by visiting the Festival of Lights at Lake Lanier with our dear friends, The Hutchersons, as well as Jim and Kate.   What a joy it was to watch as M and Ms eyes lit up upon every twist and turn through the illuminated Christmas Wonderland.

- What else, but a visit to see Santa Claus!  Both little Ms were not too sure of the jolly fellow...after two hours of waiting in line and all the antipation mounting, you would have predicted that Mia would have gotten up there on the bearded icon's lap and began spouting off her important Christmas Wish List.  It was instead filled with silence and a plethora of fake smiles.  Macie, well she was not sure of what to make of the whole thing.  She pretty much stared at St. Nick in confusion.  For us; it was a highlight of our first family of four Christmas!
- B and I celebrated our anniversary in Chicago- a night in the city, while Little M's grandparents took care of them.  We had an absolute blast spending time together...uninterupted conversation, enjoying spa treatments, strolling Michigan Ave., window shopping, while taking in the beauty of the Christmas season as it snowed down upon us, dinner at a terrific sushi establishment, and then taking in the breathtaking city atop the Hancock Building.  I have said it a million times, but Chicago has got to be one of the best cities ever!
- We spent Christmas in both Detroit and Chicago.  What a true Christmas gift having the privilege to spend the holidays with all those that we are closest to!

- The big event: B celebrated his 30th birthday!  And what an event it was...the weekend was full of surprises from a day entitled, "30 Things to Do on Your 30th Birthday", to surprise parties, to a final surprise of his parents and sister being here to celebrate with us.  Truly a weekend to remember!! 
- Mia Louise started school this month!  She joined other preschoolers at Creekside Christian Academy two days a week.  In short, Mia LOVES school!!
- Macie D had her first trip to a hospital to have tubes placed in both of her ears.  She was a trooper through the whole ordeal!

- Our littlest M turned ONE on the 19th!  Aunt Kate came down for the "monkey" festivities!  We had all of Macie's friends over to celebrate and watch her blow out her very first candle (and of course indulge in a very messy cake made just for her).  
- B made yet another career move, by heading back to the infamous Ricoh Corporation!  The new title: Regional Marketing Manager for the Southeast Region.  He is truly enjoying this new venture back at the company which brought us down to Atlanta. 

-The month started on quite a sour note with Macie D having sudden seizures one night. We spent two days in and out of the emergency room at Scotish Rite Children's Hospital as she had two of them within less than 48 hours. As you can imagine, it was to date, the scariest moments in my tenure as a mother. They were determined to be febrile seizures- fever induced. It is unknown if she will have them again, but it is possible (and likely) until the age of 4. Needless to say, I have been a ball of nerves, when it comes to Macie's health, since this scary event.
- B's parents came down for a quick weekend to help out, after little Ms seizures. It was very sweet of them to hop in the car to assist us get our lives back to "normal".
- However it ended in a positive way...Big sister turned THREE at the end of the month!  She enjoyed celebrating her birthday with "Birthday Week"- everyday doing something special and getting a little gift to celebrate her special time.  Mia's birthday was a hit in her book (she still talks about it today)...she had an Art Party!  What fun it was to see all her little friends in our backyard traveling to the various art stations.  She enjoyed her paint pallette full of cupcakes too!  

- We celebrated Easter with our friends, the Haneys, at Londyn's first birthday party.  The girls helped search for eggs, as the Easter Bunny left lots of eggs at the Haney's house!  

-The girls and I traveled up to MI for a long weekend to celebrate Kate and Jim!  We threw them an engagment party at Mom and John's house.  We also spent one afternoon with our bride-to-be, as she decided on her dream wedding dress!  What a beauty she will be next May as she walks down the aisle to marry her Prince Charming!!  M and M spent some QT time with Aunt Kate and Aunt Lib making pottery.  They also played with Aunt Lib's new pup, Gradie Ann.  It was a fun-filled, jam-packed weekend! 
-Another big event of the month: the grand decision of my retirement!  We decided with #3 on the way, this was now the time that I begin my dream job, as a stay-at-home mom!  What a true blessing to have this opportunity!!  I am sure there will be future posts on this topic... :) 

- Ahhh, present day...finally, right (this has been quite a post!). 
- At the beginning of the month we traveled to Chicago to say goodbye to B's grandfather who passed away after 3 years of ongoing illnesses.  You will forever be in our hearts Nono!!
- We made our way to the sunny Atlantic coast of Florida to visit Nana Nana's condo in Boca Raton.  Pulling into the Coronado each year leaves the best feeling inside...vacation is here; family time is upon us!  Both girls enjoyed the beach thoroughly (more on this topic to come!).  After ten days of FUN, we made our way back to the ATL. 
- The week after we were back from our relaxing vacation we found ourself back in the emergency room at Children's Hospital.  This time to have stitches put into Macie D's left big toe.  We've made the decision that Macie Davis is going to be our ER child!  Poor baby girl!!!
- To end this post with some fabulous news...our friends-till the end, The Hutchersons, after moving to Indiana for a few months, made the hefty decision to bring their hearts HOME- back to Georgia!!  We couldn't be more excited!  I know it has been a very trying on them the past few months, but am confident (as they are) that God has a plan...and His plan is for them to spend their future here!

Well, this brings us to date!!  Enjoy some pictures below of the highlights of the past 9 months!