Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Flag Fun

In honor of our upcoming holiday, today Mia learned a little bit about why we celebrate the 4th of July. 

She learned that she lives in the U.S.A. We talked about our country's birthday- what we do on this holiday and why it's so important to celebrate this special birthday.

Here she is reading the letters of her country to me:
Then we talked about the American Flag.  I pulled our flag out and hung it on our dry erase board for display.  We talked about the colors and shapes on the flag- and what they represent (in 3 year old language of course).  She can now tell you that the stars mean Georgia, Florida, Michigan, and Chicago (I know, not a state, but these are the places she's familiar with...who ever names Illinois by state anyway?!). 

Here she is pointing to the Georgia star:
Now it was time to make a flag of her own.  We got out the glue, pom poms (which she called meatballs!), cotton balls, and glitter.  As we created our own American Flag, we said out loud the patterns we were creating: red, white, red, white, and blue, blue, white, blue, blue, white. 

Here's our little patriot making her flag:
The final step, to write the letters U.S.A. with glitter...adding a little sparkle to anything is perfection in Mia's book. 

Here is the finished product:

Mia enjoyed learning all about the U.S.A. and the American Flag!

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