Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Picture Perfect

These days there are very few weekends when the four of us are all home together.  So we took full advantage of this past weekend and planned as much as we could, with downtime at home added in for good measure. 

Saturday was spent at home...chores mostly, during the day.  After M and M were tucked in for the night B and I decided to watch a movie- a rarity around here!  We always intend to watch one, but by the time two girls are sleeping, the house has been picked up after Storm M and M came ripping through, and a quick catch-up conversation takes place, one of us (usually me) is too tired to make it till the rolling credits.  Our 1 hour and 54 minutes on the couch together was picture perfect- not glamourous by any stretch of the imagination, but picture perfect (especially when you throw in a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream- this preggo girl's slice of Heaven :)). 

Sunday morning is always a bit hectic around here.  As early as I get up to begin the "going to church routine" one would think we would be sipping a latte at Starbucks with all the extra time we had.  Not so much....but we made it out of the house and in the parking lot with a few minutes to say our hellos to a few friends who walked in at the same time.  After the inspirational service we performed the usual, you get one M and I'll get the other M routine, followed by conversations with friends.  I know, who doesn't have this same kind of a Sunday morning, nothing spectacular...but for me, the emotion that flows inside when thinking about how blessed we are to have such amazing friends,  the most enlightening church one could ever be a part of, and gifts surrounding us at every turn...well, this, to me,  is picture perfect! 

Later that afternoon our friends, The Hutchersons, came over for a festive BBQ. 
We then headed to a spectacular fireworks display.
Daddy's little girl!
Friends and fireworks- picture perfect!

Once the sun set, the sparklers came out for friend John, and Mia to wave in the night sky.

The evening concluded with the awe and innocence of watching the kids' faces as each boom of a firework illuminated the black sky.
Best Buds!

Monday morning, the picture perfect weekend continued with a day on Lake Lanier with the Hutchersons!
This falls into the "no words" category.  :) ;)
Both girls took a dip in Lake Lanier!
Can you see me??  Big M went tubing (in her "innertude", as she called it,  for the 1st time!
Yes, like any family with two kids under the age of three, there were moments of craziness and thoughts of, "Maybe we should have stayed home"....but when moments like this transpire there is no other place I would want to be in the whole world.  To me this is the depiction of picture perfect, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

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