Monday, July 26, 2010

Eating Cake

For the past 5 months B and I have been back and forth arriving at a solid prediction as to whether Marty or Maude (nicknames created by my sisters of course) was growing steady and strong "on the inside".  A common response you would hear when asked our thoughts on the baby's gender was, "We are praying for a boy, but planning on a girl."  We had made the decision to be surprised and wait patiently until D-Day to find out.  We were happy and quite content with this decision (we found out with Mia but did not with Macie and really liked that excitment in the delivery room). 

Forward through time to two Wednesdays ago, the day of our 20 week ultrasound.  Our decision remained unchanged, however with a bit of a caviat- we would ask the technician to place the baby's gender in an envelope, in case we decided to try for the much discussed amongst our friends and family, a "Gender Reveal Party".  For those that don't know what this is- basically a hostess is privvy of the sex and makes a cake that will reveal to the parents and all their invited guests if the baby is a boy or girl, by way of the pink or blue on the inside of the cake.  To continue with the tangent, B and I liked this idea but were not convinced- we are not ones who like to be the center of attention and this type of party ensured our place in the spotlight as we cut the cake in front of a room full of eager guests.  With this being said, we went ahead with the afore mentioned "envelope idea" just in case

B was not at the start of the ultrasound, but I informed the technician he was on his way.  I also very clearly stated that we did not want to find out the baby's gender until the birth.  She was excited for us stating that she loves hearing when parents like being surprised- "it doesn't happen very often", she shared. 

We went about with the ultrasound, all the while Tonya, the technician who I truly adore, referring to the baby as "the baby"- the same reference she used in the two previous ultrasounds I've had with her.  It came time to look in that area so she turned the monitor and told me not to peek.  I, without hesitation, turned my head, just to be sure I wouldn't catch a glimpse.  She did the deed, typed something on the screen, printed out the tiny black and white glossy picture, stuffed it in her jacket, and exclaimed, "all set!".  Next to look at was "the baby's" head.  Tonya told me "her head is a great size".  I narrowed into this pronoun, not internalizing whatever else she was telling me in that moment.  I thought, "Oh she just goofed.  She just said it once, it isn't a girl, surely it was a mistake".  We finished up with the ultrasound in record speed, B missing the entire session of admiring our sweet baby. 

 As I was walking out of the room, bummed B didn't get to see our little bun, he walked through the doors.  The technician saw him and gracefully offered to have us come back after we saw the doctor, so B could take a peek at our active little girl/boy.  So back on the table I went, this time the hubs next to me having the opportunity to see our little one's arms, legs, hands, and feet move about my womb.  As the technician moved around the baby, she used the pronouns, her and she 7 times!  B called her out on it finally and she made some silly comment that didn't make sense.  I, without hesitation, was convinced #3 was a girl and I didn't want to wait 4 more months to find out (and have B a bit disappointed on D Day- because he was rooting for a boy like I am sure any Daddy of 2 beautiful girls would do). 

We left the doctor's office pretty sure the envelope would be opened in some fashion in the near future. 

A few days passed and the decision was made to give the envelope to Trish, a dear friend who we nearly sent to the looney bin with not finding out with Macie.  We thought what fun would it be to have Brian and Trish as a part of the reveal of our little one's gender.  Afterall, we've been through many trials and tribulations together, it only seemed appropriate in our minds to have them be the "makers of the reveal". 

So Trish took to her task and began brainstorming how to design the "reveal cake" that would be shared just 4 days after the envelope had been handed off.  Numerous ideas went in and out of her mind, trying to find the most appropraite and exciting version of this very important cake. 

The night was finally here- "Reveal Night"!  Brian, Trish, B, Mia, and I sat down to dinner (little Miss Macie D was all tucked into bed by this time).  We enjoyed a great conversation and lots of laughs (mostly at the boys- as usual :) )over dinner.  It was now (FINALLY) time to cut the cake!  I grabbed the computer, becuase Nana (my mom) was going to Skype into this fantastic event.  We were ready to go....time to cut the cake.... 
Nothing revealing here...just deliciousness! 

Bill doing the honors....

He's excited- the look is obvious, but what color did we cut into??

3 of the 4 of us in the picture are beyond excited (see little person moping in the left corner)....

Taking in the sight of the inside of the beautiful cake...and trying to make a certain 3 year old smile! 

It's a BOY!!!!! 

The first two layers are for the two girls we have and the bottom layer is for the little bun in the oven!!!  Leave it to Trish to come up with the most unique (and sneaky) way to reveal this HUGE surprise to all of us.  When we cut into the center of the cake I saw pink and exclaimed, "It's a girl!"  Only to hear Trish state for us to keep cutting.  When we got to the blue layer, I was confused- "Why both colors?  We are surely not having twins!"  It took the explaination above for both of us to understand what had just been revealed to us (remember we were "sure" it was a girl based on the technicians many, supposed slip ups).  

Mia, after some tears (my poor baby girl), put on a happy face, enjoyed the delicious BLUE cake, and joined Mom and Dad in revelling in the fact that we are going to have a Baby Brother here soon!! 

We could not be more thrilled!  Our family is complete...Little Baby Boy Robertson is the icing on this utmost memorable cake! 

A big hug and smooch to The Hutchersons for being a part of this perfect event! 


  1. That is awesome! What a unique way to find out - and how cool is it that you got to find out in different ways with each baby? Incredible. Kristy, you will LOVE having a little boy to adore and who will adore you back. Enjoy the rest of this pregnancy - can't wait to meet the little FELLA!

  2. So wonderful, Kristy! How much fun to be able to reveal it that way. :)
    Congratulations. We are thrilled for you guys. There is NOTHING that compares to having a little boy. People told me that over and over, and I could not wrap my head around it because having a little girl is the most fantastic in all the world. But there is definitely something special with a little boy.
    We can't wait. :)
