Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting Ready

It is hard to even fathom, but in 6 short days we will become a family of 5!  We have been busy getting ready for our Baby Brother to join our chaos...and with any luck, we are ready (or as prepared as we can be).  Last night the big sisters helped Daddy put new batteries in some of Baby Brother's toys.  They felt like such big kids.  It has been my intention to include them in as many "getting ready" activities as possible, so feel as much a part of this family change as B and I do.  
 Here are some shots of our Big Sisters last night:

Yes, there is ALWAYS time for a little sing and dance number
...and posing for a picture, of course!

 This Big Sister-to-be doesn't have a clue how her world is about to be rocked in a way she never knew possible.  Nonetheless, she sure is relishing in the time Mommy is dedicating to her these days. :)
  We cannot wait to meet you Baby Brother! 
 We love you already and want to play with you and show you all the cool stuff we have at our house for you!! 

1 comment:

  1. Bill's face in the first picture is priceless!!!! hahahaha :)
