Sunday, September 13, 2009

Swim, Bike, Run

This weekend B participated in his second triathlon at Tugaloo State Park on Lake Hartwell.  He has been training like a mad man for the past few months (why I've been calling myself a "Triathlon Widow" :) ).  It sure did pay off; he finished a whopping 40 minutes ahead of where he had last year!  He met his time goal in each area and improved his transition times greatly!  I knew he could do it, but I will admit, I was slightly surprised to see him come in so soon each time. (i.e. I couldn't believe how quickly he made it in from the bike portion- 26 miles).  And I couldn't have been more proud than to see him come around the curve, running towards the finish line- it was a record time run (6 miles), for sure! :)  He finished with a smile on his face!!!  After the race, he said, "Ok, next on the list, a Half-Ironman"!!  Holy Moly, you are nuts!!  I look at him and all the other athletes at these events and think to myself, "I could never do this!  My body would think I was crazy if I even attempted it."  But, Bill is always up for a new challenge, so what better way to fullfill that challenge than to swim 2 miles, bike 56 miles, and run 13.1 miles!!! 
The girls and I had a great time not only being apart of all the excitment and enregy that these race days bring to all those that are there, but we also loved spending the morning in an absolutely beautiful park!  
We played in the sand on the beach.
We went on a nature walk and looked at all the birds.
We played on the huge playscape.
We had a picnic lunch and had arts and crafts time. 
Mia raced with and tumbled on the ground with "Monkey"
Way to go, B!!!!  I could not be more proud of you!!

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