Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It seems like only yesterday

It seems like only yesterday I was being wheeled down the hallway, holding B's hand with one hand and my belly with the other.
It seems like only yesterday I saw B look at me in amazment, as he yelled, "It's a girl!" and stared back at him, tears whelling up, equally amazed.

It seems like only yesterday that Doctor M lifted you over the blue curtain so I could get my first glimpse of you. Tears streaming down my face.

It seems like only yesterday that the nurse brought you over to me, our eyes meeting for the first time. "You are beautiful!!"

It seems like only yesterday I touched your sweet, innocent, cheek with my lips. "How can I be so blessed?!"

It seems like only yesterday that I held you in my arms for the very first time. "You are here! You are finally here!"

It seems like only yesterday that your dad and I whispered to you, "Happy Birthday, Macie Davis! Welcome to our family!"

It seems like only yesterday...but 6 cherished, priceless, months have gone by already. You are sitting up all by yourself, you have your first tooth, you smile from dawn till dusk, you hug and kiss your mom, dad, and sister incessantly, you laugh whenever your sister gets within 50 feet of you, you are beginning to babble on and on about your day. You are growing and changing each and every day. You continue to amaze me with your calm, sweet, heart.

I love you baby girl! Happy 6 month birthday to you!

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