Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Breakfast

When we all woke up this morning and made it downstairs for breakfast, I asked Mia what she would like to have.  She, as usual, anwsered, "Pankos!  Pankos!".  For those who don't speak "Miaese" this translates to "Pancakes!  Pancakes!".  Now you know that we have a life supply in the freezer (since I make them twice a month, in bulk), but I wanted to do something a little bit more fun, since we had the time- we weren't rushing off anyplace prior to 9A.M. 

I got out all the materials needed to whip up Mia's favorite, but instead of making little silver dollar shaped cakes, I decided to make "letter pankos" in Mia's name and some simple words.  She had a blast "eating letters"!  I asked her what letter she was eating and she responded accurately (excpet for the "Y"- she said "U") every time.  This will, for sure, be making it into the regular "Sunday Breakfast" rotation in the weeks to come! :)
Yummy!  My name written in "Pankos"! 
Sight words Mia is familiar to saying (mostly NO :) ).

Swim, Bike, Run

This weekend B participated in his second triathlon at Tugaloo State Park on Lake Hartwell.  He has been training like a mad man for the past few months (why I've been calling myself a "Triathlon Widow" :) ).  It sure did pay off; he finished a whopping 40 minutes ahead of where he had last year!  He met his time goal in each area and improved his transition times greatly!  I knew he could do it, but I will admit, I was slightly surprised to see him come in so soon each time. (i.e. I couldn't believe how quickly he made it in from the bike portion- 26 miles).  And I couldn't have been more proud than to see him come around the curve, running towards the finish line- it was a record time run (6 miles), for sure! :)  He finished with a smile on his face!!!  After the race, he said, "Ok, next on the list, a Half-Ironman"!!  Holy Moly, you are nuts!!  I look at him and all the other athletes at these events and think to myself, "I could never do this!  My body would think I was crazy if I even attempted it."  But, Bill is always up for a new challenge, so what better way to fullfill that challenge than to swim 2 miles, bike 56 miles, and run 13.1 miles!!! 
The girls and I had a great time not only being apart of all the excitment and enregy that these race days bring to all those that are there, but we also loved spending the morning in an absolutely beautiful park!  
We played in the sand on the beach.
We went on a nature walk and looked at all the birds.
We played on the huge playscape.
We had a picnic lunch and had arts and crafts time. 
Mia raced with and tumbled on the ground with "Monkey"
Way to go, B!!!!  I could not be more proud of you!!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Morning at the Park

It has been a busy weekend- Macie's 6 month pictures (well- 6 1/2 month, but close enough, right?!), dinner with friends on both Friday and Saturday, along with the usual errands and regular running around that happens on any given weekend.  What better way to relax and enjoy one another than a trip to the park!  We met some good friends there.  What fun we had- Mia played with her pal Johnny, Macie stuck close to B and I, and we got to catch up with our friends who we don't see enough. 
Mia loved the teeter tatter! 

Tube sliding away!

Daddy helping Mia climb the stairs.

Teamwork!!- Johnny and Mia trying to move B across the "bridge".

It was a picture perfect morning...enjoying those little moments of life that God places in our laps!  How very blessed I am! 

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Baker's Man

When making my weekly trips to the grocery store, I used to think to myself, "I wish I could just make some of this stuff. It seems crazy that I am buying the same things over and over again." I also thought that I could make healthier alternatives than what I was buying (read: what I could afford to buy :) ).

After talking with a couple friends and looking at various recipies to see if it really would be healthier and more cost effective, I decided to take a stab at baking my own bread and making pancakes for our family.

So every two weeks I spend an afternoon in the kitchen whipping up pancakes by the boat load and enough bread to get us through till the next time I bake. I have tried my hat at various types of pancakes that I thought would interest Mia (since she just loves her "pankos"): buttermilk, blueberry, cheese buckwheat, and apple cinnamon. As for the bread I have tried 100% whole wheat, white, and a 50/50 blend of white and wheat.
Today we made blueberry and apple cinnamon pancakes. 
All I do to keep the pancakes fresh is individually wrap them with foil and then place them in ziplock bags according to the variety. When Mia wants to eat them, I take them out of the foil, and pop in the microwave for 45 seconds. They taste fresh as ever (not like the way the Eggos taste- rubbery).
The bread, same idea. I cut up two loaves and place them in a ziplock bag, in the fridge. The other loaves, I wrap two times in foil and one time in plastic wrap, then put them in a ziplock, and store them in the freezer till we need 'em. If we use it within 2 weeks of making it, the loaf tastes fresh.

Both girls love to help out. Mia likes to add in all the ingredients and watch the mixer knead the dough for the bread. Macie likes to sit back and watch all the action that is taking place (she usually keeps us entertained with lots of babbling-a great bonus!).
Macie was all smiles with her little chef hat on while she played and watched me whip up the pancakes.
Today we also made banana bread since I had a couple very ripe bananas. Mia is a little monkey- loves her some bananas! :)
Here is Mia adding the flour for the banana bread.

Yes, it is time consuming- I typically am in the kitchen for about 5 hours when I am making both bread and pancakes. But I feel it is time worth spending because I fulfill my two goals evey time I'm in there- 1) the food I am providing my family with is a healthier alternative and 2) it is much more cost effective. The imbedded bonus into these afternoons- time with my girls, teaching them valuable life lessons and enjoying good 'ol fashioned fun with one another.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It seems like only yesterday

It seems like only yesterday I was being wheeled down the hallway, holding B's hand with one hand and my belly with the other.
It seems like only yesterday I saw B look at me in amazment, as he yelled, "It's a girl!" and stared back at him, tears whelling up, equally amazed.

It seems like only yesterday that Doctor M lifted you over the blue curtain so I could get my first glimpse of you. Tears streaming down my face.

It seems like only yesterday that the nurse brought you over to me, our eyes meeting for the first time. "You are beautiful!!"

It seems like only yesterday I touched your sweet, innocent, cheek with my lips. "How can I be so blessed?!"

It seems like only yesterday that I held you in my arms for the very first time. "You are here! You are finally here!"

It seems like only yesterday that your dad and I whispered to you, "Happy Birthday, Macie Davis! Welcome to our family!"

It seems like only yesterday...but 6 cherished, priceless, months have gone by already. You are sitting up all by yourself, you have your first tooth, you smile from dawn till dusk, you hug and kiss your mom, dad, and sister incessantly, you laugh whenever your sister gets within 50 feet of you, you are beginning to babble on and on about your day. You are growing and changing each and every day. You continue to amaze me with your calm, sweet, heart.

I love you baby girl! Happy 6 month birthday to you!

All in an instant

At the end of the work day I am often wound so tightly that I begin to channel the Tazmanian Devil (hopefully keeping the "devil" to a minimum :) ). My head is spinning with all that has transpired throughout my work day, all that has yet to be finished, and all that is awaiting me upon my return in just a few short hours. I wonder how I am going to get it all accomplished and if maybe I need to have the "I need to be a stay at home mom" talk with B again. I race to my car, then race down the road, all the while running the checklist through my mind, "Did I make this? Do I have that? Did I remember everything I need to bring home?" I am hoping that I'll make it to M and M's sitter's in time. I come bounding through door with less than 30 seconds to spare. I am tired, I am drained, I don't think I can muster the likes of one more child's voice....but on the other side of that door I trample through....

I hear the sweetest sound. A sound that melts my heart every time. A sound that rings in my ears as easily and cheerfully as your favorite song. It is a sound that transforms my frazzled, frantic, and frenzied day into tranquility and peace- all in an instant....

"Oh, Mommy, you're here! I love you, Mommy! Thank you, Mommy, for coming home!"
All in an instant everything that was weighing heavily on my mind, all that would have caused continued stress well into the night...has disappeared; it is gone, an instant. All because a sweet, little girl with bouncing curls called ME "Mommy".

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Say Cheese

Biking Buddies

Big M is a pro at biking with Mommy and Daddy, however little M is a novice. This morning big sis showed her little sis the ropes...when it's best to read a book, when mom and dad need a little encouragement, when to sing songs, and when it's best to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenery (and let the parents do all the work :) ) .

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Here goes nothin...

As time has ticked on, I've grown more and more curious about blogging...what is it all about, is it something I would like to do, can I set up my own blog without the help of Mr. Techie himself. I decided to take a stab at it. So here you blog!!

My hope is that I will better keep our family and friends updated on the life in the Robertson household. M and M grow and change at such a rapid pace that B and I can hardly keep up, so with this, I hope that those that can't see the little smunchers everyday will "see" them through my "eyes" here.

Here goes nothin...