Monday, September 27, 2010

Menu Plan Monday- 9/27

Monday- Jambalya with mixed veggies
* I am going to use the box of Zatarains that's been in my pantry forever :). 

- Today I am also going to try to find some time to bake a loaf of Zucchini Bread for breakfasts this week. 

Tuesday- Sundried Tomato Chicken with sweet potatoes

Wednesday- Breakfast Pizza with bicuits and fruit salad

Thursday- Bow Tie Pasta with Marinara Sauce and garlic bread
**This was on the menu for last Friday but ended up using a Groupon for Diesel Pizza instead.

Friday- Ranch Chicken Breasts with brocoli and tossed salad

Saturday- out to dinner

Sunday- Friends coming over for dinner :)- BBQ Ribs-B makes the best ones ever!- with baked beans and mashed sweet potatoes

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall Fun Fest

This Saturday, after Mia's swim lessons (and a pedicure for me- Ahhhhh!), we went to a local Fall Fun Festival.  Despite the heat (I won't even complain in this post about how hot it was- LOL!), we had a terrific time walking around to each of the areas set up just for kids.  

First up was a ride on a train.

Then Mia used her "artistic eye" to create sand art in a little moon conatiner.  

She then tried out the Tumble Bus (a portable gymnasium for kids).  She wasn't in there very long; there were lots of big kids who were a bit intimidating. 

Next we got our faces painted- a new favorite event for Mia. 

As for Macie, this time she was not such a big fan, so we ended up with a partially completed froggie on her little cheek.   
**Note the lollipop in her hand.  This was her first one and wow, did she savor every last bite of it- had it for about a 1/2 hour!

Nonetheless, Macie didn't hesitate in checking out Big Sis's newly painted face.

We made our way over to the petting zoo.  This was lots of fun!
We fed goats (this time with no fear-
 refer to A Day on the Farm for our first unsuccessful attempt at this.),

pet the bunny (which Macie just thought was the coolest),

scoped out the llamas,

and even got to lay a hand on a full- sized camel!!  

Our next stop was at the big fire engine! 
 We were able to sit up in the back, just like the real firefighters do.  
(There was a certain 30-something male who was with us, that was believed to have had more fun doing this than his little counterparts.  I even think I recall him saying something along the lines of, "I want to be a firefighter when I grow up",
with a super-sized grin on his face. :) :) ).   

We also sat in the drivers seat and took turns driving the big rig.  

We ended our Fall Fun Fest afternoon with a tour of the "Fire Safety House"- taught us how to be safe in our home and what to do in case we encounter a fire- and a couple Firehouse Dog tatoos. 

All in all it was a wonderful afternoon!  It ended with a family lunch at Chick-Fila and then a good long nap for two cute little adventure seekers! 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's Time to Decorate

As you probably know I love everything about fall- the weather, the smell and crunch of the fallen leaves, the bonfires on a cool night, visiting apple orchards, pumpkin patches, hayrides, hot cider (and of course donuts to go with the cider), and decorating.  Yes, decorating- I love taking all the Halloween/Fall decorations down from the attic, opening the bins to the scent of leftover pumpkin spice from last year's candles, and deciding where you will place everything this year.  It is also welcomed in our home as this decorating marks the beginning of the holiday season!   

So needless to say, I have been eager as ever to get Fall underway.  As you know (since I've been complaining about it for weeks now :) ), it has been hotter than ever here- I mean really, it's September, do we really need 95 degree days?- so it has made it very difficult to get into the mood of "All Things Fall".  After making pumpkin cookies for Mia's teachers as a "Happy Fall" gift this week, I decided, we are just going to break into Fall, even if we are still wearing sundresses, tank tops, and shorts on a daily basis.  So the bins came down, the decorations were placed, but something just wasn't "so"; I wanted to add something new to our collection. 

I came up with a couple ideas, so off to Michaels we went.  This is what came of our trips, a little thought, gathering tips online, and as much creativity this "baby brained" brain could come up with:  

Haunted Pumpkins
1) Purchase either real or plastic pumpkins of 3 different sizes (I opted for plastic because Michael's pumpkins were all on sale- and I don't particularily like digging out the guts of real pumpkins).
2) Also purchase Acrylic Paint in Black and a couple paintbrushes. 
3) Place the pumpkins on top of one another after cutting the tops off the two bottom pumpkins. 
4) Sketch out your "haunted" scene- I chose trees with a washable marker. 
5) Then trace over the washable marker with a permanent marker- I chose a black Sharpie.
6) Now paint in your design with paint. 
7) Hot glue the pumpkins to one another.
  8) Place outside to aid in creating your Fall/Halloween theme. 
(I still have to add a bunch of mums, but have learned after living here for this many years- don't buy them till it is cooler out...
otherwise, they will not make it to Thanksgiving. :) ). 

Fall Pumpkins
1) Either paint real pumpkins white/cream or buy plastic ones.  (Again I opted for the plastic- one less step). 
2) Sketch out your letters with a washable marker- so you can erase your mistakes. 
3) Use a black Sharpie (I used a fat one) to trace over the washable writing. 
4) Place them on your mantel and add whatever else you choose to make your Fall/Halloween theme complete. 

Candy Corn Candles
1) Purchase candy corn (I bought 2 bags), white candles of varying heights, and a glass container. 
2) Arrange the candles in the glass container. 
3) Spread the candy corn around the candles. 
 4) Tell your daughters that you have sprayed "yucky stuff" all over the candy so we can't eat any of it. :) 

I still have more to do to add the finishing touches to the house, but these simple (you know I am NOT crafty whatsoever) crafts added a little "spunk" to the festive decor.  Now if only we could get the temperature to cool down....

Happy Decorating and Happy Fall!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Menu Plan Monday- 9/20

Monday- Enchiladas with Mexican Rice 

Tuesday- Lemon Chicken Breasts with Orzo Salad

**For the Lemon Chicken:
 I slice up one lemon and sqeeze half of the slices over the chicken breasts, leaving the rind on top of the chicken while it bakes, for added flavor.  I season with whatever is in the cabinet- salt, pepper, grilling seasonings, etc., and splash a little olive oil over each breast for added tenderness. 

***For the Orzo Salad:
- 8-16oz Orzo (depends on how much you would like to make- I am using 8 oz for our family)
- 1 container of crumbled feta or blue cheese
- 1 bag of Craisins/Cranberries 
- 1 container of fresh basil, finely chopped
- Olive Oil  

1. Prepare the orzo as directed on the package.  Rinse and drain. 
2. Place into large bowl.  Add all of the ingredients.  Mix together and add olive oil to taste. 
3. Refrigerate (the longer the better) tasting periodically to see if it needs more olive oil (pasta tends to absorb it which may make it a little drier than your liking).   Serve cold. 

Wednesday- Calzones with Italian Tomato Sauce and Tossed Salad

Thursday- Southern Tortellini Minnestrone Soup with French Bread Loaf

Friday- Throw Together Pasta with Garlic Bread and Green Beans

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

On Friday we had a little fun with the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  Both girls love reading it and I thought we could add a little "excitment" to reading time on this particular day. 

First we read the book...Mia likes to "read" it to us .

We then reread the book;
  this time using our magnetic letters to find, identify, and then add each letter to our board, as we read each page. 

(Macie wanted in on the action as well).

After finishing our reading and creating the alphabet on our board, we sang the alphabet and practiced recalling the sounds that go along with the letters.  Next we used our letters to make words.

Finally, we hopped on the computer
and watched a variety of "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" videos on

I know I had fun with this activity and my hope is that the girls gained further exposure to literature, letter and sound identification, the beginning understanding that individual letters can be put together to make words, and to see the book "brought to life" with music and motion on the computer.  If I could squeeze it into our day, I would do activities like this can dream, right? :) 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Art at the Festival

This Saturday the girls and I spent a couple hours at the Roswell Arts Festival while B spent the afternoon lending a helping hand to The Hutchersons as they begin the mighty task of moving (landscaping was today's scheduled event to tackle).  Although it was pretty toasty by the time we arrived (SERIOUSLY over the heat- in case Mother Nature wasn't aware, it is almost officially fall- time to cool off!!!!) the girls were eager to see all that the "festivool" had to offer adults and kids alike. 

Had I been there by myself, sans a stroller and two little ones who quickly lost all interest in the "adult activities", I could have plastered every wall in our house with new paintings (amazing artistry there!).  We were on an immediate hunt for all things "kid fun"!  Mia, on the way to the "festivool" declared her decision as to what she wanted to do once we arrived- "Paint a beautiful picture".  Well, thank goodness, there was such a stand for kiddies!  Once we spotted it, we parked ourselves into line (that was waaaay too long, in my opinion...but anything for your kids, right? :) ).  After our 30 minute wait, it was our turn for Mia to adorn herself with a fancy artist's smock.  With her "sungwasses" and all, she got right to work on her masterpiece: 

Viola!  The finished Mia Masterpiece:

The highlight of the little one who had the privilege to "ride" her way through the thick crowds, was the big, green balloon a very nice lady passed along to her. She could have stared and batted at it for hours (or at least long enough for Mia to finish her painting :) ). 

We also spent time listening to a group of "future Taylor Swifts" as they sang their hearts out for an attentive crowd, enjoyed watching big kids make sand art (Mia preferred to observe), and splashed around in the fountain for a minute or two, attempting to cool off a bit.   We weren't there very long, but just long enough to enjoy the weather (as much as I would have preferred an 80 degree day :)), the art work, and being with one another- a perfect couple hours in my book! 

The day was topped off with dinner with "the landscapers"!  Thank you, Saturday, for making me smile!! 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just You and Me

Since the day you were born life has been full of excitment; it has been full of trips, adventures, new discoveries.  It has been you developing your little self for all of us onlookers to admire with pride.  Your life has been spending most hours each day right alongside your big sister, whom you adore more than words can describe.  Well Big Sis is now off doing big kid things at school, and the kids Mommy keeps only come Monday thru Wednesday.  This leaves us Thursdays - one of the best days of the week....time to be together, just you and me.  

There is nothing more special, more heartwarming to know that when we awake each Thursday morning I have nothing else on our agenda then to spend these moments being with you.

We run errands together which you think is super fun.  You get to sit in the cart all by yourself.  We hug as we roam up and down the aisles. 
 You get to hold all the goodies for Mommy.  You feel like a big kid, just as you should. 

We play together.  Something simple, yes. 
 But to me it is more special than you'll ever know.  I get you all to myself. 
 We can do whatever we want, wherever time takes us, in whatever spot...just you and me. 

I am enamoured by your silly grin,

 and the way you giggle with delight. 

You may play "girlie games" when sissie's around, because she likes it that way.  But when it's just you and me....

the trains,

and the cars come out.  We play and we we laugh and "vroom vroom" and "choo choo". 

We cuddle up and read lots of books. 

 We spend our last moments...just you and me...snuggled up together, watching t.v. 

It may not be glamorous or extravagent.  But it is our time...
and there is no place I'd rather be than stealing a kiss from your sweet little cheek.  

These Thursdays are priceless, captured moments in time.  Where we can be...

just you and me.  

When the time ends, we hop in the car and head to the place you like best by far. 

It's a place where you find your missing treasure....

Your Big Sister!!!!!! 

You may have lots of fun with me while sissie is gone, but nothing, oh nothing is more heartwarming to you, than seeing your sister hop up in our car.  
And it is then we're all where we should be.  The place that feels right, feels cozy, and warm...together we all are in eachother's arms!