Saturday, September 04, 2010

Family Game Night

Every week I innundate my friends Google and Bing with "things to do this weekend with kids in Atlanta" in the hopes of finding new and fun adventures for the girls.  My search came up with very little "fun" for Friday night, but both B and I had agreed this Labor Day weekend we wanted to fill it up with plenty of "family fun".  So we came up with the idea to hold our first-ever Family Game Night!  We shared with the girls during dinner time on Thursday that tomorrow we would be bowling at our Family Game Night- to which both concepts were initially foreign to them.  That did not stop Mia from instantly letting out her celebratory squeal and Macie joining in. ("Anything that Mia finds exciting, must be exciting!").  After a bit of explaination and LOTS of anticipation, Family Game Night was upon us. 

Mia learned how to hold a bowling ball. 

Macie tried her hand at rolling the ball towards the pins
 (although she much preferred throwing it. :) ).

They both loved putting the pins back on the mat, right on over the numbers
 (which Mia also liked telling us what the number was as she put the pin on top of it :)). 

There were many-a-high fives that were handed out for a job well done!

It's pretty safe to say that both Little Ms thoroughly enjoyed their first experience with Family Game Night.  In fact, when Mia was going to bed that night, she very sweetly told Daddy, "That was the best Family Game Night I have ever had!".  It is also fairly conclusive that this will become a tradition around The Robertsons, whether or not there are "things to do this weekend in Atlanta with kids"....

These faces say it all...
And who could deny them a little family fun?!

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