Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just You and Me

Since the day you were born life has been full of excitment; it has been full of trips, adventures, new discoveries.  It has been you developing your little self for all of us onlookers to admire with pride.  Your life has been spending most hours each day right alongside your big sister, whom you adore more than words can describe.  Well Big Sis is now off doing big kid things at school, and the kids Mommy keeps only come Monday thru Wednesday.  This leaves us Thursdays - one of the best days of the week....time to be together, just you and me.  

There is nothing more special, more heartwarming to know that when we awake each Thursday morning I have nothing else on our agenda then to spend these moments being with you.

We run errands together which you think is super fun.  You get to sit in the cart all by yourself.  We hug as we roam up and down the aisles. 
 You get to hold all the goodies for Mommy.  You feel like a big kid, just as you should. 

We play together.  Something simple, yes. 
 But to me it is more special than you'll ever know.  I get you all to myself. 
 We can do whatever we want, wherever time takes us, in whatever spot...just you and me. 

I am enamoured by your silly grin,

 and the way you giggle with delight. 

You may play "girlie games" when sissie's around, because she likes it that way.  But when it's just you and me....

the trains,

and the cars come out.  We play and we we laugh and "vroom vroom" and "choo choo". 

We cuddle up and read lots of books. 

 We spend our last moments...just you and me...snuggled up together, watching t.v. 

It may not be glamorous or extravagent.  But it is our time...
and there is no place I'd rather be than stealing a kiss from your sweet little cheek.  

These Thursdays are priceless, captured moments in time.  Where we can be...

just you and me.  

When the time ends, we hop in the car and head to the place you like best by far. 

It's a place where you find your missing treasure....

Your Big Sister!!!!!! 

You may have lots of fun with me while sissie is gone, but nothing, oh nothing is more heartwarming to you, than seeing your sister hop up in our car.  
And it is then we're all where we should be.  The place that feels right, feels cozy, and warm...together we all are in eachother's arms! 



  1. Aw, this was so perfect! So sweet. :)

  2. Ok now that I am done sobbing.... what a beautiful way for your girls to see how much they are loved! You are such an amazing mommy. Love you xoxo
