Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall Fun Fest

This Saturday, after Mia's swim lessons (and a pedicure for me- Ahhhhh!), we went to a local Fall Fun Festival.  Despite the heat (I won't even complain in this post about how hot it was- LOL!), we had a terrific time walking around to each of the areas set up just for kids.  

First up was a ride on a train.

Then Mia used her "artistic eye" to create sand art in a little moon conatiner.  

She then tried out the Tumble Bus (a portable gymnasium for kids).  She wasn't in there very long; there were lots of big kids who were a bit intimidating. 

Next we got our faces painted- a new favorite event for Mia. 

As for Macie, this time she was not such a big fan, so we ended up with a partially completed froggie on her little cheek.   
**Note the lollipop in her hand.  This was her first one and wow, did she savor every last bite of it- had it for about a 1/2 hour!

Nonetheless, Macie didn't hesitate in checking out Big Sis's newly painted face.

We made our way over to the petting zoo.  This was lots of fun!
We fed goats (this time with no fear-
 refer to A Day on the Farm for our first unsuccessful attempt at this.),

pet the bunny (which Macie just thought was the coolest),

scoped out the llamas,

and even got to lay a hand on a full- sized camel!!  

Our next stop was at the big fire engine! 
 We were able to sit up in the back, just like the real firefighters do.  
(There was a certain 30-something male who was with us, that was believed to have had more fun doing this than his little counterparts.  I even think I recall him saying something along the lines of, "I want to be a firefighter when I grow up",
with a super-sized grin on his face. :) :) ).   

We also sat in the drivers seat and took turns driving the big rig.  

We ended our Fall Fun Fest afternoon with a tour of the "Fire Safety House"- taught us how to be safe in our home and what to do in case we encounter a fire- and a couple Firehouse Dog tatoos. 

All in all it was a wonderful afternoon!  It ended with a family lunch at Chick-Fila and then a good long nap for two cute little adventure seekers! 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I love that last photo of them both looking at their dog tatoos. So cute!
