Saturday, September 18, 2010

Art at the Festival

This Saturday the girls and I spent a couple hours at the Roswell Arts Festival while B spent the afternoon lending a helping hand to The Hutchersons as they begin the mighty task of moving (landscaping was today's scheduled event to tackle).  Although it was pretty toasty by the time we arrived (SERIOUSLY over the heat- in case Mother Nature wasn't aware, it is almost officially fall- time to cool off!!!!) the girls were eager to see all that the "festivool" had to offer adults and kids alike. 

Had I been there by myself, sans a stroller and two little ones who quickly lost all interest in the "adult activities", I could have plastered every wall in our house with new paintings (amazing artistry there!).  We were on an immediate hunt for all things "kid fun"!  Mia, on the way to the "festivool" declared her decision as to what she wanted to do once we arrived- "Paint a beautiful picture".  Well, thank goodness, there was such a stand for kiddies!  Once we spotted it, we parked ourselves into line (that was waaaay too long, in my opinion...but anything for your kids, right? :) ).  After our 30 minute wait, it was our turn for Mia to adorn herself with a fancy artist's smock.  With her "sungwasses" and all, she got right to work on her masterpiece: 

Viola!  The finished Mia Masterpiece:

The highlight of the little one who had the privilege to "ride" her way through the thick crowds, was the big, green balloon a very nice lady passed along to her. She could have stared and batted at it for hours (or at least long enough for Mia to finish her painting :) ). 

We also spent time listening to a group of "future Taylor Swifts" as they sang their hearts out for an attentive crowd, enjoyed watching big kids make sand art (Mia preferred to observe), and splashed around in the fountain for a minute or two, attempting to cool off a bit.   We weren't there very long, but just long enough to enjoy the weather (as much as I would have preferred an 80 degree day :)), the art work, and being with one another- a perfect couple hours in my book! 

The day was topped off with dinner with "the landscapers"!  Thank you, Saturday, for making me smile!! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, looks like a fun morning - and yes, it was HOT! We spent much of Saturday outside too, and I was sweating way more than I thought I should've on a mid-September day :) Love the new photo at the top! Let's get our littles together one day while our big girls are at school.
