Monday, August 02, 2010

Cloudy Day Solution

This Monday Mr. Weatherman had predicted a cloudy, overcast kind of day, so I thought it would be a fantastic day to head to Catch Air.  This place is the coolest!  It is an inflatable activity center but it has alot more for kids of all ages to do other than inflatables...

There is an oversized Lego area,

a light-up dance floor,

a place to trap in your children...or multiple climbing structures, whichever term you prefer :),

it even has it's own workout facility!
(The girls bench pressed some "heavy" weights, ran on the treadmill, and worked up a sweat on the eliptical). 

As a mom, there we many highights too.  It was clean (smelled clean, looked clean, and I even saw employees cleaning up some of the equipment while we were there), it was a place where the girls could run around wherever they wanted, all the while knowing the whole place was pretty much safe and padded (but never fear Macie D still managed to get a bruise on her cheek- where there is a will there is a way- is what Macie would say!), and best of all both M and M asked to leave- not because they weren't having fun, but because they were TIRED!  Needless to say, the car ride home was very peaceful- yet another highlight of this mom's morning. 

I do have to mention though, as I was busy being Mom, I had this "feeling" brewing around inside of me.  Today was not only a cloudy, Catch Air-kind of day, but also the day I would have been headed back to work.  As I thought about what I would have been doing had I gone back to work this year, I glanced around at all the other moms there.  I thought, "This is it.  I am here, where I have wanted to be for years.  I am with my kids, providing them with fun, enrichment, and an opportunity for socialization, instead of being at work."  Today, as I see it, is officially the first day of my new career.  I can now call myself a Stay-At-Home Mom.  It is with this statement, coupled with the fun morning I shared with my girls, that this day, no matter how it may appear outside, is nothing but bright and sunny in my heart and mind! 


  1. Catch Air was one of our favorite places to go, too. I wish they would have had the dance floor when we went. :( Last year was awkward for me once school started up. BUT I wouldn't trade where I am now for anything. Best wishes on your new career!! :)

  2. This made me smile - congrats on your new job :) Enjoy all those little moments of sunshine!
