Saturday, August 07, 2010

March, March, March

March, March, March.  March to the beat of the drum!  Mia and Macie spent the morning at the Old Soliders Day Parade (B and I joined them too :) ) was their first parade ever!  Now to most moms, this would be fairly anticlimactic, but for this mom, well, it was pretty darn exciting.  As a little history, I spent my early childhood in a very small town in Southeast Michigan.  And if you know anything about small towns, you know that there is ALWAYS a reason to have a parade....4th of July, Santa Coming to Town, Johnny Smith got an A on his spelling test, maybe Uncle Claude having the best crop to date....there is always a reason. :)  So needless to say, my sisters and I were parade pros by the time we could walk.  My sisters even got right into the mix of the marching celebrations by joining the local baton twirling association (oh yeah, Keds with nylons and all!).  If you ask our cousins who would often come for a visit from the "big city", they would tell you if they came to Saline, there would be a parade involved, no questions asked.

So when I discovered we were going to be home to attend this particular parade, I jumped all over it!  Surely, my girls would love parades as much as their mom and aunts did growing up!!  As I had hoped, they LOVED it!!

Enjoying a little breakfast as they await the start of the big event! 

Here they come!!!!

She loved the Marching Bands.

She was in awe of all the loud noises.

They both enjoyed the thrill of running after candy that fell from the sky. 

Mia, taking in the spectacle of it all.  Macie, hoarding her sweet finds. :)

Motorcycles everywhere and she loved pointing and waving to them. 

It was a special morning shared with both my girls.  They will probably never know how much it meant to have them next to me as I watched my childhood pass in front of me, as I savored this moment with them, observing my girls doing what I had done with my sisters all those years ago. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun time - what a great way to spend the morning! I love the one photo of their backs where you can see the buildings. Very cute!
