Friday, August 27, 2010

A Day on the Farm

Finally, oh finally the weather is starting to "cool" off (it's no longer 100 degrees at 9 a.m.) so we decided to take a little day trip somewhere other than the pool.  Today we made the trekk to an adorable miniature animal farm called Tanglewood Farms with our friends, The Crescis.  We all loaded up in the van (what a treat, getting to fit all of us into one car- loving my new "momma mobile") and made the 40 minute journey though beautiful countryside to the remote farm. 

The grounds had multiple buildings and individual open-air stables for each type of animal to roam around in.  We were able to walk into each of the stables through the green gates (Mia and her friend Katherine were in charge of hunting for each of these prized gates).  Once in the stable we pet the animals and fed them breadcrumbs we had collected into our tin buckets.  Now one would think feeding miniature animals would be very appealing to four little girls...not so much.  It all started with the mini goats.  Upon first glance at them you would think, "Oh these guys are harmless."  On the contrary, they are fiesty little things.  When I handed Mia her bucket full of bread treats to feed the goats, they attacked her (a little dramatic in word choice, but she's my baby; it was attack!) and well, she did NOT like this one bit.  This then caused a frenzy amongst her onlooker friends; everyone from here on out (including the moms) were a bit leary about feeding the innocent miniature creatures.  Nonetheless, we pressed on, finding each of the green gates, exploring the stables to get a glimpse at the wide variety of animals on display.  We got up close and personal with...

...the previously mentioned demons, or miniature goats, rather.

Llama and mini-cows,

(which someone wasn't much of a fan of)...

...little tiny piggies and horses,

as well as, turkeys, manx cats (they don't have tails, but sure are cute), donkeys, and sheep.

The higlight of the adventure (after a little coaxing) were the pony rides!  Both girls had "permagrin" the whole time.  Macie saddled right up, grabbed hold of the reins (or whatever that knobby thing is called), and was ready to gallop away.  Mia, in her "Mia-self" was a bit more timid at first, but was very brave to let the "Horse Lady" help her on and walk along side of her, as we rode into the wind (really in a circle, but no need to get too technical, right? :) ).

We enjoyed a picnic lunch (amongst more flies than I even want to recall- yuck!), climbed up in the treehouse, played a little Bingo, and finished up our trip with a lollipop treat. 
All in all, it was an absolutely wonderful day enjoying the beautiful weather!  Thank you Katherine, Lucy, and Miss Whitney for joining us on our adventure to the farm....

Who knows, you may have been witness to the start of an exciting future career in farming for one particular little girlie! 

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