Thursday, August 05, 2010

Let's Make Pancakes

Breakfast has become a bit of a challenge with a certain 17 month old; Macie is not a fan of most breakfast foods.  Now this is something new because previously she would eat just about anything as her first meal- and lots of it, at that.  So for the past month or so I have been experimenting with new foods, "reinvented" foods, most of the time relying on my fall-back, Nutrigrain Bars (healthy right?!). 

You may remember that last year I used to spend a weekend morning about once a month making large supplies of various flavored pancakes.  I haven't done this in a long while so thought, "What do I have to lose?  Let's see if Macie will eat homemade pancakes since she won't eat the store bought ones to save her life".  (Mia is a fan of pancakes and cooking anything, so I knew this would be a hit in her book).  

I gathered all we needed and this morning we went to work making two batches of pancakes- blueberry and banana.  

I called in my two chefs and we got right to work...
The result of our efforts.... 
...rave reviews by both hungry girls! 

With the remaining flapjacks, we wrapped them up in single serving sizes, put them in a Ziploc, and stuck them in the freezer for future morning meals (And in the hopes that Little M will eat them and not pass them along to the dog awaiting any morsel of food that drops from her tray! :)  ). 

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