Sunday, October 03, 2010

A Little Down Time

What a week it's been!  My cousin Marc tied the knot on Saturday afternoon and I have been determined to be there to witness him marrying the girl of his dreams, no matter what my doctor has been recommending (he said I could not travel because it is too close to my due date).  B and I made the last-minute decision (after already sending a "decline" on our RSVP)  Wednesday we would go, regardless of Dr. Moore's advice- "It's only 3 1/2 hours away.  It will be ok."  Who would have known that this decision would have spurred so many bumps. :) 

We all woke up Thursday morning, to none other than Littlest M's fever!  (It should be noted that she has not had a fever in forever!!  I actually have lessened my neuosis of another possible seizure occuring).  It kept up all day, and actually as the day progressed it worsened.  By 10:00 that night she had developed not only a high fever, but hives all over the lower half of her body.  After a call to our pediatrician, we decided we would stay home. 

Friday, we woke up (well 3 of the 4 of us actually woke up- one of us never actually went to sleep- insert the reinstatement of "seizure neurosis")...hives were gone and the fever low.  We decided, "If this keeps up, we will go."  All morning she did great- she even began eating again (didn't eat all day Thursday).  At nap time, she went right to sleep...and woke up with hives ALL over!!  After a quick call to the pediatrician for a late afternoon "please make time for us even though it's almost 4:00 on a Friday" appointment, it was decided once and for all, "I don't think we're going."  God clearly had a plan for us and making the trip to NC to be with Marc on his special day was NOT it (clearly! :) ).  

So what to do with a weekend that was wide open- no plans anywhere in it (a rarity around here!)?  We spent it with a perfect mixture of chores, projects, and down time.  On top of the list for chores- Organization! (can you say nesting?!) The linen closets, girls closets, my closet, the baby's drawers are now all in working order.  As for projects, B and I both had a couple on our lists.  Mine involved finishing the outside fall decorations and prepping for our upcoming Halloween Party.  B spent a good part of the weekend helping The Hutchersons continue "Project Move In" and renovating our mud room and laundry "room" (nothing a little beadboard, wood, and fresh paint can't spruce up). 

The rest of the weekend was spent finding some down time to just be with one another, enjoying this awesome fall weather!!!  This was our favorite part:

 Sitting in font of our first bonfire of the fall, roasting marshmallows, and making S'MORES!!!!

The girls loved poking their marshmallows into the fire!!

She was a little apprehensive (imagine that...actually unsure about something! :) ).

Biting into our bonfire sweet treats! 


From the look on her face, do you think she was enjoying our family time?

 What about this one? 
 I know it's hard to fathom with a mother who has a "slight" addiction to anything that mildly resembles dessert, she actually preferred hanging out with her fam
 over savoring her tasty creation!

As the weekend comes to a close, I can say, even though nothing big or extravagent took place, and even though I was initially quite disappointed to not have been able to attend Marc and Jordan's wedding, this weekend turned out to be all kinds of "sweet"!

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