Saturday, October 09, 2010

Pumpkin Treats

As many of you know I am not a baker, a cook, someone you would trust overall in the kitchen...but I am learning- sloooowly, I am learning.  The past couple days I have tried my hand at two pumpkin recipes (mostly so the scent of "fall" could be smelled throughout our house as the yummy treats baked :) ).  I do have to say, they both were pretty easy to put together- and I even made icing for the first time (Betty Crocker had previously been my confidant when it came to smothering a cookie or cake with frosting)!  B commented on the finished products, "I married a baker!  Who would have thought it?  She didn't even know I married a baker!"  These words I will take as a testament that everything turned out edible at least. :)  So what did I bake?  

Pumpkin Cookies
(Click on title of the treat to get the recipe I used).

**I added chocolate chips (b/c nothing is dessert until it has chocolate in it, right?!)  

Pumpkin Bread
(Again, click on link above for the recipe).

**I added raisins, 1/2teaspoon of all spice, and 1/2 teaspoon of cloves to add a little more holiday flavor. 

The big test: Tonight friends will be served these treats for dessert.   We will see if they enjoy them or go home with green faces! :)  Happy fall baking everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. They were delicious! Had to get the recipes to make some up here :) Appreciated the meal you brought.. thanks! : ) Tracey - Trish's sister
